Corporate governance
Bresser strives for a precise and cost-effective execution of her work. In addition to these quality goals, Bresser makes decisions from a social, ecological and economic point of view. This leads to a reliable organization with a healthy work environment and satisfied customers. Bresser subscribes to the OECD guidelines and strives to ensure that Bresser and its partners comply with these guidelines.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
Bresser wants Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). This means that our organisation wants to contribute to social institutions and knowledge institutes in relation to our field of work. We also strive to provide an appendix every year to the education of youth on a number of occasions. This is done by giving guest lessons, youth visits, and providing a contribution to third-party education.
Safety, health and well-being of our employees and third parties
In order to realize the business objective, a QHSE-system (including the Plan-Do-Check-Act Steering Cycle) has been developed that includes all of Bresser’s activities. QHSE stands for the merger of the Quality, Health, Safety, Security and Enviromental aspects. Through the system we provide a final product that meets the specifications and contractual obligations. It is the intention that all employees contribute to the continuous improvement of business policy. Plans, findings and adjustments are shared and elaborated.
Our policy aims also to ensure the best possible safety, health and well-being of our employees and third parties during work. These goals are important for the individual, society and for our company.
We strive to prevent personal injury, material and environmental damage. We realize this by means of an inventory and evaluation of risks in the company’s safety, health and well-being.
Key elements such as instruction, consultation and supervision are given priority in our business operations. In the prevention of accidents and environmental incidents, good management, cooperation and consultation with all stakeholders, so managers and other employees together, is indispensable.
Quality, Health, Safety and Environment
To achieve the policy objective, a QHSE system, including the Plan-Do-Check-Act steering cycle, has been developed that covers all Bresser’s activities. QHSE stands for the amalgamation of the aspects Quality, Health, Safety and Environment. The QHSE system is set up in such a way that compliance leads to an end product that demonstrably meets the specifications and all contractual obligations have been met. It is the intention that all employees, in their role, contribute to the continuous improvement of company policy. Plans, findings and adjustments are shared and elaborated.